~Emily Hellgren~

What is a River Guide?
Imagine us all travelling down a river on our own little raft. Some of us are further downstream, while others just started off. We might be travelling fast or we might be travelling slow. Maybe the raft is broken and worn from bumping into obstacles on the way. Maybe you are paddeling with all your might, without moving an inch. Maybe you are fighting against the current, trying to get back to where you once where, instead of letting go and allowing the water to push you along.
The raft, the life situation looks different for all of us, but we are all still journeying down the same river.
A River Guide is someone who shows the way and guides you down this river, further on your souls path to purpose and understanding. To truth, unconditional love and endless joy.
Personalised program - Yoga, Healing and Guidance
A program customized for your needs, goals and dreams.
Yoga Classes
Private classes for individuals and groups. Choose between different packages and yoga styles to find your perfect yoga class or customise your own!
Yoga for events
Book a yoga class for your party, event or work-place. Choose between different packages and yoga styles to find your perfect yoga class or customise your own!
Benefits of Yoga
By practicing yoga you allow the body and mind to relax and release tension. Reduced stress and anxiety leads to less inflammation in the body which in turn enhances your cells ability to protect and defend against foreign viruses and bacteria.
You become healthier.
Practicing yoga can also greatly increase your flexibility and strength. A lot of the commonly performed yoga poses stretches out the different parts of your body, while others exercise and tone your muscles. You can always find a practice that gives you what you need for the day.
Your body becomes stronger and more flexible.
The most amazing thing yoga will help you with is to evolve and grow as a person. By listening to your body, accepting it and loving it as it is you will develop a strong sense of self-love. You’d be surprised how much you can learn about yourself by just sitting in quiet mediation while observing your breath.
You grow as a person.